
Data insights

Field Verification Details
user_name Identity User name and surname
user_address Identity Address of user - residence, street, postal code, localisation and country
user_country Identity Country of residence
ni_number Identity National insurance number
employer_name Employment Name of employer
tax_code Employment Tax code of user
pay_date Operations Date of payment
pay_period Operations Interval period for the pay
currency Operations Currency code
income_gross_period Income Gross income for the interval period
income_net_period Income Net income for the interval period
base_salary Income Base salary for the interval period
total_deductions_period Income Total deductions for the interval period
pension_period Income Employee’s pension for the interval period
paye_period Income PAYE deductions for the interval period
nic_period Income Employee national insurance contribution for the month

Data delivery The lender can access the data shared by the user through the following channels:

Data security Teal believes on the power of data and the importance of keeping it safe and in control of the stakeholder that owns it. Teal follows a series of best practices to guarantee that data is handled at maximum security levels: